Recents in Beach

What are the semantic and linguistic barriers to communication? How can they be overcome? (Answer in around 300 words)

 Semantic Barriers means the problems arising because of the different meanings of the words. There are some special terms of technical words used by people belonging to a certain group of field of work such as doctors, lawyers, computer software engineers or college students. They use words which are their own, specialised jargon which cannot be understood by anyone outside grou. Words are of two kinds: extensional and intentional words.

Extensional words are clear in their meaning and therefore do not create barriers – such as words like boy, chair, garden etc. Intentional words are words that describe and they can be understood differently by different people, according to the meaning that a person gives to the word. Thus good, bad, beautiful are intentional words, and a simple sentence like she is a good girl. Can create confusion because the meaning of the word ‘good’ is unclear.

Linguistic Barriers means the problem arising because of the different across languages. Unfamiliar language becomes a barrier when people do not know each other’s language. This barrier can be overcome by using a common medium of communication, as in a classroom. Translation is also an important way of overcoming this barrier. The issue of language barrier is particularly critical during intercultural service encounters. Intercultural service encounters , where the customers and the service providers are from different cultures, is very common in the service sector, especially in the western countries. Language is not only a medium of communication, but also linked to an individual’s or social identity.

How can they be overcome

Semantic and Linguistic Barriers can be overcome if the sender and the receiver choose a language which both of them understand very well. Help from a translator or an interpreter also helps in overcoming the language barrier. Exposure to the target language and training oneself in the acquisition of skills of the given languages to help in overcoming the language barrier. Language barriers can be avoided by careful study and accurate use of language. Clarity should be the main objective when using language. Jargon should be avoided.

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