Recents in Beach

What are the four levels of meaning that you should be aware of as a reader?

 The four level of meaning -

The literal - Literal is wot a paragraph because it contains just the facts and is used throughout the entire paper. The literal meaning is simply what the text says. This actually happens to the story. This is an important Level of understanding as it provides the foundation for more advanced understanding. without understanding the content at this level, you could woot go any further.

The interpretative - Interpretive reading is the effective communication of an author's thoughts and feelings to the listener. The reader must extract meaning from the selection to share with the audience. ALL reading skills aloud, including vocal flexibility, clear, correct articulation’ pronunciation, as well as the use of pause and frequency variation, can-be used in interpretive reading.

The critical - Critical reading is a more active form of reading. It is a deeper and more complex coramitment to a text. Critical reading is a process of analysis, interpretation, and sometimes evaluation. When we read critically, we use our critical thinking skills to ASK. both the text and our own reading,

The Creative - Creative reading is defined as reading for implied and undefined meanings, appreciating reactions and critical evaluation. The critical reading act goes beyond literal understanding to demana that the reader produce new and original ideas not explicitly explained in the reading material.

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