Recents in Beach

What are slums?

 Slum is a contiguous settlement where the inhabitants are characterized as having inadequate housing and basic services.  Cities Alliance Action Plan describes slums as neglected parts of cities where housing and living conditions are appallingly poor.

Census of India 2011 explained slums as residential areas where dwellings areunfit for human habitation by reasons of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangements and design of such buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement of street, lack of ventilation, light, or sanitation facilities or any combination of these factors which are detrimental to the safety and health

The slum is an inevitable part of modern urbanization and the urban poor are active agents serving the non-slum dwellers and contribute to economic growth

Slums in India- Statistics:

. Out of 4.041 Statutory Towns in Census 2011 Slums reported from 2,543 Towns (63%)

. Largest number of slums reported from Maharashtra (21,359)

. People who are living in slums increased from 52 million in 2001 to 65.5 million 2011

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