Recents in Beach

Show your understanding of the distinction between literary and non-literary prose by citing examples and discussing them. 450 words(You may give the source)

 Prose is a literary device referring to writing that is structured in a grammatical way, with words and phrases that build sentences and paragraphs. Works wrote in prose feature language that flows in natural patterns of everyday speech. Prose is the most common and popular form of writing in fiction and non-fiction works.

As a literary device, prose is a way for writers to communicate with readers in a straightforward, even conversational manner and tone. This creates a level of familiarity that allows the reader to connect with the writer’s expression, narrative, and characters.

An example of the effective familiarity of prose is J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in The Rye: Salinger’s prose is presented as first-person narration as if Holden Caulfield’s character is speaking to and conversing directly with the reader. This style of prose establishes familiarity and intimacy between the narrator and the reader that maintains its connection throughout the novel.

Common Examples of First Prose Lines in Well-Known Novels The first prose line of a novel is significant for the writer and reader.  This opening allows the writer to grab the attention of the reader, set the tone and style of the work, and establish elements of setting, character, point of view, and/or plot.

For the reader, the first prose line of a novel can be memorable and inspire them to continue reading. Here are some common examples of first prose lines in well-known novels: Call me Ishmael. (moby dick) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times (A Tale of Two Cities) It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

(Pride and Prejudice) It was love at first sight. (catch 22) In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.

(The Great Gatsby) It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. (1984) i am an invisible man.

(Invisible Man) Mother died today. (the stranger) They shoot the white girl first, but the rest they can take their time. (Paradise)
All this happened, more or less. (Slaughterhouse-Five)

Classically, prose is defined as a form of language based on grammatical structure and the natural flow of speech Most prose is non-literary, for example scholarly and scientific books, papers and articles.  Guidebooks, manuals, laws and most letters are also non-literary. Most prose is non-literary, for example scholarly and scientific books, papers and articles. Guidebooks, manuals, laws and most letters are also non-literary.

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