Recents in Beach

“Writing is commonly seen as a three-way process: pre-writing, writing and re-writing.” Explain this statement.

Writing is commonly seen as a three-way process: pre-writing, writing and re-writing: 

Writing is a process that can be divided into three stages: Pre-writing, drafting and the final revising stage which includes editing and proofreading.

In the first stage, you research your topic and make preparatory work before you enter the drafting stage. After you have written your text you must take time to revise and correct it before submitting the final result.


In the pre-writing stage, you plan and prepare your writing. This is also the stage where you research your topic and look for relevant sources.

Early in the pre-writing stage, you should give thought to the subject and purpose of your assignment.

If you are assigned a broad subject by your instructor you will need to narrow it down and focus on a smaller subject area, preferably something that interests you.

To write effectively you also need to know the purpose of why you are writing.

Each type of writing has a unique set of guidelines and knowing your purpose for writing will help you produce a text of high quality and relevance.

For you to know the purpose of your writing you will need to interpret the task. See more information below about this.

Doing thorough preparatory work is important for your writing and will save you a lot of time in the long run. It will help you keep your focus during the writing process.

As your project progresses you may have to make some changes to your initial plan.At the beginning of the writing process,  it is important to take time to create a timetable for writing to ensure that you will have a finished product when the assignment is due.

When planning your time, take into account that the revising phase may take as much time as the initial writing, or perhaps even longer.

This is in many ways similar to planning your studies in general.


Once you have created an outline it is time to start writing. Remember that you do not have to write aperfect first draft.

Instead of focusing on producing flawless text at this stage, try to concentrate on writing down your main ideas. You do not need to an aeon or proofread yet.

Instead, try to let your thinking and writing flow as freely as possible. Furthermore, you do not have to write the text from start to finish. It is okay, to begin with, the sections that you feel the most confident with. 

You will probably have to rework your draft several times before you have a complete text. Preferably you should allow time between drafts (t to days, if you have the time) as it will give you a new perspective on your text.


This is the stage in the writing process where you make sure that your text is coherent and written accurately.

Your final product should be a text that has been thoroughly worked through and that meets the academic standards of writing. Make sure that you allow enough time to revise, edit and proofread your assignment before submission.

The 3 Step Writing Process

Step 1: Planning: Analyzing Investigating Adapting

Step 2: Writing: Organizing Composing

Step 3: Revising: Revising Producing Proofreading

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