Recents in Beach

Explain ethical issues in media psychology research.

Voluntary Participation: Every participant in the research should voluntarily participate in it, and should not be forced to do so. Even if research is being conducted on specific groups such as a particular group of criminals (say rapists), they should be given the option to participate in the research voluntarily, not forcibly encouraged to do so.

Informed Consent: All participants should be aware of the kind of tests that are going to be conducted and the effects of each test on them. Informed consent requires the participant to give the researcher written consent for the tests to be carried out.

Deception: No participant should be deceived or misguided regarding the test. No information should be withheld from the participant. However, in some cases, deception is an inherent part of research. In such cases, it should be ensured that deception is the only alternative to carry out the research. Participants should at least have a general idea of what is to be expected in the course of research. Researchers should make an attempt to find out what kind of reactions withholding information may elicit.

Debriefing: It 1s the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that a participant is not psychologically or emotionally affected after participating in the research. The expected results of the research should be communicated to the participant so that they are prepared for them. In short, they should not be overwhelmed after the research is over.

Permission to Withdraw from Participation: Every participant should be allowed to withdraw from the research process at any time should she/he feel uncomfortable or uneasy, irrespective of the payment incentive provided to them, which should be made to them in any case.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality of each participant should be maintained in terms of their personal information, the specific tests conducted on them, and the results of the research, unless otherwise specified in the initial stages, and officially written. In such a case a participant may choose to continue or withdraw from the research.

Safety of Participant: All participants should be asked if they have any pre-existing conditions that will interfere with the research, be it physical or psychological. Adequate protection must be provided to them in such a case, or they should not be allowed to participate if the intensity of the condition cannot be altered.

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