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 AGRIS, the International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology, was started in 1974 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. AGRIS became fully operational in 1975 with the first issue of AGRINDEX and was modeled on the INIS pattern to facilitate information exchange and to bring together the world literature dealing with all aspects of agriculture. Presently, FAO’s another programme, Current Agricultural Research Information System (CARIS) and AGRIS are functioning collectively.

AGRIS is a cooperative system in which participating member countries input references to the literature produced within their country irrespective of the language and, in return, draw on the information provided by the other participants. To date, 242 national, international and intergovernmental centres are participating in the AGRIS/ CARIS programme. AGRIS was established with the following objectives:

‘‘Creation of a single, comprehensive, current inventory of world-wide agricultural literature reflecting agricultural research results, food production, rural development and to help users to identify problems concerning all aspects of world food supply, Meeting the information requirements of users requiring agricultural information by offering specialised subject retrieval services, providing documents on request, current awareness and selective dissemination of information services, Collaborating with new and existing specialised secondary information servicesso as to increase efficiency and eliminate unnecessary duplication.’’

AGRIS is an international/global system that is:

▪ entirely international in scope as all United Nations Member Countries are participating in the programme;

▪ multilingual with English as a carrier language;

▪ a centralised collection of bibliographic details of publications, outputs and activities of agricultural research programmes of various United Nations Member States; 

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