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Examine the various causes for organisational conflict.

 Conflict can occur as a result of structural or personal factors. The structural factors includes specialisation, use of common resources, goal differences, authority relationships, roles, expectations and jurisdictional ambiguities. Specialists have little knowledge of each other’s job responsibilities and treat their contribution as greater than that of others. This approach can lead to conflict among departments and functionaries. Employees have to share the common resources due to scarcity that led to conflict situation. In organisations, the departments will have different or incompatible goals. This goal differentiation can also create conflicts. It is generally found that strict executives have conflicts with their employees. In organisations, in superior- subordinate relationship, role conflicts arise between them if roles are not clearly determined. Jurisdictional ambiguities or performance criteria often lead to conflicts.

the following reasons also lead to orgnisational conflict conflict:

· Managerial expectations: Every employee is expected to meet the targets imposed by his/her superior and when these expectations are not fulfilled within the stipulated time, conflict arises.

· Communication disruption: One of the major cause of conflict at the workplace is disruption in the communication. For instance, if an employee requires certain information from another, who does not respond properly, conflict sparks in the organisation.

· Misunderstanding: Misunderstanding of information can also cause the emergence of disputes in organsiation, in the sense that if one person misinterpreted some information, it could lead to series of conflicts.

· Lack of accountability: When the team members’ responsibilities are not clear, no member feels accountable and this situation leads to conflict in the team.

Poor management, unfair treatment, unclear job roles, inadequate training, poor communication, poor work environment, lack of equal opportunities and harassment are also major causes for organisational conflict. In some organisations, personality clashes, unrealistic demands and expectations, business values, unresolved workplace issues and increase in workload can create conflicts.

After identifying the above causes related to organisational conflict, we can categorise the factors influencing conflicts in an organisation:

1Unclear responsibility: If there is lack of clarity regarding who is responsible for which section of a task or project, conflict takes place. To avoid this situation, the roles and responsibilities of the team members should be stated clearly and also agreed upon.

2Interpersonal relationship: Every member of an organisation possesses distinct personality which plays a crucial role in resolving conflict in an organsiation. Conflicts at the workplace are often caused by interpersonal issues between the members of organisation.

3.  Scarcity of resources: One of the main reasons for occurrence of conflict in an organisation is the inadequacy of resources like time, money, materials etc., due to which members of the organisation compete with each other, leading to conflict between them.

4. Conflict of interest: The lack of integration between individual goals and organisational goals leads to conflict of interest as an individual may fight for his personnel goals; this hinders the overall success of the organisation.

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