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How is ‘translation’ different from ‘rendering’ when it comes to the translation of Indian folk texts?

 When it comes to the translation of Indian folk texts, there are two terms that are often used interchangeably: 'translation' and 'rendering.' While both terms refer to the act of translating a text from one language to another, they have different implications and are used in different contexts.

Translation is a process of converting a text from one language to another while maintaining its original meaning and style. It involves an attempt to capture the essence of the original text and convey it accurately in the target language. Translation involves a deep understanding of the source language, the cultural context in which the text was created, and the literary conventions of both languages. Translators strive to produce a translation that is faithful to the original text while also being readable and engaging in the target language.

Rendering, on the other hand, refers to a more free-form approach to translation. In rendering, the translator is not as concerned with fidelity to the original text, and instead seeks to convey its essence in a way that is accessible to the target audience. Rendering may involve significant changes to the original text, such as simplifying complex language or altering the structure of the text to make it more readable. Rendering is often used in the context of literary translation, where the focus is on producing a work of art that is faithful to the spirit of the original, rather than a literal translation.

When it comes to the translation of Indian folk texts, both translation and rendering are important approaches that are used depending on the context and the goals of the translator. Indian folk texts are diverse and varied, and encompass a wide range of genres, including poetry, songs, stories, and religious texts. These texts are often rooted in the oral tradition and are characterized by their regional and linguistic diversity.

In the context of translating Indian folk texts, translation is often used when the goal is to produce a faithful representation of the original text. This approach is particularly important when dealing with texts that have religious or cultural significance, as accuracy and fidelity to the original are critical. In these cases, the translator must have a deep understanding of the source language, the cultural context, and the literary conventions of both languages to produce a translation that is faithful to the original text.

On the other hand, rendering is often used when the goal is to make a text accessible to a wider audience. This approach may be used when translating a folk tale or song for a children's book, for example, or when adapting a traditional story for a modern audience. Rendering may involve simplifying complex language, altering the structure of the text, or even changing the setting or characters to make the story more relatable to a modern audience.

However, it is important to note that rendering can be controversial, as it involves significant changes to the original text. Some scholars argue that rendering can lead to a loss of cultural and linguistic diversity, as it may obscure the nuances and unique features of the original text. Additionally, rendering can be seen as a form of cultural appropriation, as it involves altering a text that is deeply rooted in a specific cultural context to make it more palatable to a mainstream audience.

In conclusion, both translation and rendering are important approaches to the translation of Indian folk texts, and their use depends on the context and the goals of the translator. While translation seeks to maintain fidelity to the original text, rendering seeks to make a text more accessible to a wider audience. Ultimately, the translator must be guided by a deep understanding of the source language, the cultural context, and the literary conventions of both languages to produce a translation that is faithful to the original text while also being engaging and accessible to the target audience.

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