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BPAC-132 Solved Assignment English Medium 2022-23

 Free BPAC132 Solved Assignment English Medium 2022-23 for July 2022 and January 2023 Session 



Assignment A 

Answer the following in about 500 words each. 

1. Discuss the Woodrow Wilson’s views on Public Administration. 

2. Highlight the major contributions of Peter Drucker. 

Assignment B 

Answer the following in about 250 words each. 

3. Briefly discuss the types of authority put forward by Weber. 

4. Describe the experiments conducted by Elton Mayo and its outcomes. 

5. Write a note on Dwight Waldo’s views on Public Administration.

Assignment C 

Answer the following in about 100 words each. 

6. Comment on Kautilya’s views on Authority and Accountability. 

7. List out the bases of Integration as suggested by M.P.Follett. 

8. What is Barnard’s contribution on Decision Making? 

9. What do you mean by bounded rationality? 

10. Write a short on Immaturity-Maturity Theory.

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