Recents in Beach


 Psychoeducation as the name suggests, refers to giving education to the client and/or to family about the condition or psychological state of the client. Psychoeducation is considered an evidence-based therapeutic intervention for clients and their families that provides information and support to better understand and cope with condition or the illness. 

It is giving information about the causes, symptoms, prognosis, and treatments of their diagnosed condition.

It is the right of families and client to know about the problem which can help them understand and evaluate their quality of life and better ways of coping with their daily difficulties.

Psychoeducation is given not only for the psychological or mental conditions such as anxiety disorders, clinical depression, dementia, schizophrenia, eating disori personality disorders, and developmental disorders but also for physical illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, cardiac illnesses, etc. especially where long-term management is required.

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