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Foucault and his concept of power in cultural politics in urban areas. Explain.

 The work of twentieth-century French philosopher Michel Foucault has increasingly influenced the study of politics. This influence has mainly been via concepts he developed in particular historical studies that have been taken up as analytical tools; “governmentality” and “biopower” are the most prominent of these.

More broadly, Foucault developed a radical new conception of social power as forming strategies embodying intentions of their own, above those of individuals engaged in them; individuals for Foucault are as much products of as participants in games of power.

To summarize Foucault’s thought from an objective point of view, his political works would all seem to have two things in common:

(1) an historical perspective, studying social phenomena in historical contexts, focusing on the way they have changed throughout history;

(2) a discursive methodology, with the study of texts, particularly academic texts, being the raw material for his inquiries. 

As such the general political import of Foucault’s thought across its various turns is to understand how the historical formation of discourses have shaped the political thinking and political institutions we have today.

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