Recents in Beach

Gender–sex distinction

 Sex is to Nature as Gender is to Culture

The feminist theory, among other things, has led to making a distinction between sex and gender. While sex refers to the biological difference between men and women, the gender is the cultural manifestation of sex. 

For the feminist, this distinction is vital as the subjugation of the women is justified on the biological difference between males and females. This has been the main ground on which women subjugation has been institutionalized in society. Hence, the first task before the feminist theory was to challenge this ground.

Masculinity, femininity and cultural difference

The leading feminist anthropologists like Margaret Mead have proved that the meaning of masculinity and femininity varies across cultures and different societies. There is no universal standard for considering masculine what is considered feminine in all cultures and societies.

Hence, the feminists argue that biological determinism or the biological differences between males and females do not share a correlation between what is considered masculine and what is considered feminine. They further argue whatever differences exist between males and females are outcomes of gender-specific rearing of boys and girls from early childhood. Any deviation is punished by society so that these differences can be perpetuated. That is why Simone de Beauvoir has said, ‘one is not born, but becomes, a woman’.

Sexual Division of labour and workplace

The sexual division is not limited to the home alone, it is prevalent in the workplace as well. This has nothing to do with the biological differences (sex), this segregation emanates from the cultural differences. Ideological Assumptions behind the sexual division of labour

This sexual division at home and the workplace is based on some ideological assumptions. This division does not emanate from biological differences, it has roots in ideological assumptions.

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