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Fascist World view

 The Fascist World View Core Ideas Irrationalism: Thus, Fascism stands for dictatorship or totalitarian state. Totalitarianism, as the very name implies, is based on complete and total restrictions. 

It puts more severe restrictions on individual rights and activities. It is generally guided and directed by an ideology that aims at the total and drastic reorganization of society. The term ‘dictatorship’ is also used in the same sense. But dictatorship is generally called one man-rule. Or a head of state assumes extra-constitutional powers.

As Alfred Cobban has said: “Dictatorship is the Government of one man who has not obtained his position by inheritance but by force or consent or a combination of both.

He possesses absolute sovereignty which is exercised in an arbitrary manner.” As B.B. Majmudar rightly maintains that Fascism is a totalitarian state, which claims “Individuals are not an end in themselves. The state alone is an end in itself. It is in and through the state that individuals can find fullness of their life and the full freedom.”  The individual is nothing but just a cell in the organism of the state. This implies that individuals are expendable for the whole state.

Limited The state is a living organism, having the spiritual and moral facts in itself. It is one and same as the nationalism. The individuals are nothing but a in the wheel.

As Mussolini declared: The Italian Nation, is an organism with purposes, a life and means of action transcending in power and duration, those individuals singly or grouped, which compose it.

It is a moral, political and economic unity, which realizes itself in the Fascist state. The Fascist state guides the society, culture and the people. The society is organized in a strict hierarchical order wherein the leader or party is at the top. Only their writ runs, irrespective the will of the people. Strong emphasis is placed on command, obedience, order and loyalties.

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