Recents in Beach

Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me The carriage held just ourselves And Immortality.

 Context: These lines are taken from Bourse I Could NorStop for Death by Emily Dickinson.

Explanation: A Critical Appreciation: According to Allen Tate, Because I could not stop for Death” is one of the perfect poems in English is The Chariot, and it exemplifies better than anything else. If the word great means anythg in poetry this poemsan.allthe greatest in the Englik layguage itis flawlessthellast detail.

The poem deals with Death and Immortality, two recurring themes in Emily Dickinson’s poetry. The content of death in the poem eludes forever any explicitdefinition. He is a gentleman taking in lady out for a drive. But not the restraint that keeps the poet frem carrying this so far this ludicrous and meredible, and note the sebely interfeised erotic motive, which the idea of death has presented to every romantic poet, love being a symbol interchangeable with death. The terror of death is objectified through this figure of the genteel driver, who is made ironically to serve the end of immortality. This is the heart of the poem: she has presented a typical Christian theme in all its final irresolution, without making any final statement about it.

Death is personified, and the words used to describe him are kindly’ and ‘For his Civility therefore presenting him as a polite and courteous gentleman who stops to take her for a ride in his carriage.

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