Recents in Beach

Explain any four impacts of improper waste disposal with suitable examples.

Improper disposal of hazardous waste causes adverse effects on human health and the environment. The normal practices of waste disposal such as insanitary open dump, landfilling, discharge in water courses, or open-pit burning will need modification when dealing with hazardous wastes. The principal hazard of improper waste disposal is contamination of soil and groundwater. This arises largely from the waste containing hazardous substances deposited landfills or on the ground.

With regard to hazardous waste disposal sites, at least five different routes of human exposure are possible:

i) direct ingestion through drinking

ii) inhalation of contaminants that volatilise from heated water

iii) absorption through the skin during washing and bathing

iv) ingestion through consumption of goods derived from plants or animals exposed to polluted groundwater, and

v) absorption through the skin when handling contaminated soil.

A worldwide awareness has been created amongst the public against the improper and uncontrolled dumping of hazardous wastes. Such practices have brought about the death of livestock and ill-health in humans.

Plastics are indispensable part of our life. These are not biodegradable, but can be reused and recycled. Yet, single-use plastic products such as bottles, bags, packaging materials and cups and plates thrown carefully pose a big problem in India. These clog drains and even kill animals that accidentally swallow it in to their gut. Their segregation and recyclable can solve the problem.

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