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What are the different forms of discourse that you need to be aware of before you start a writing project? Describe these forms of discourse briefly with suitable examples. (Answer in around 300 words).

 Different forms of Writing Project -

Exposition - Expository writing "exposes' or explains things about a subject. It is also sometimes called “information writing because it gives information about a person, place, thing, relationship or idea. Example Business letters, Reports, Press releases, Journalism, News article, Personal Letters, Wills, Sclentific reports, Scientific journal articles, Academic writing, Teva papers, Textbooks, General reference works, Encyclopedia articles, User guides and Technical standards etc. To agcomplish that, it is best developed by the use of clear veasons, facts.and statistical information, cause and effect relationships, or pxamples. Since expository paragraphs are factual, they are written without emotion and usually written in the third person.


Narration - The warrative paragraph or essay tells a story, just like a warrator in a pla y though it should be a true story, unlike a short story or a play). Examples of narration include - Anecdote, Autobiography: Biography, Novel, Oral history, Short story and Travel literature. Narrative writing is best used to illustrate the “personal developmental path’ a person (often yourself) has taken to reach a particular point in his/her life. As a result, it is normally written in a first person point of view. True narrative writing is unusual, because it is demanding. A narrative must have a conflict that is overcome. This ts the core of any narrative form of writing, be it a paragraph, an essay, or story).

Description - Descriptive Writing paints a picture. In its pure form, nothing much happens, Examples’- Journal writing and Poetry etc. "Deseription’ tells us what something looks Like, feels like, tastes like, sounds like or smells like - without action or events. It doesn't explain a relationship or 9 process beyond, oneself; it focuses on one's immediate subjective perceptions. Thus, descriptive writing connects the outer world vptn our inner feelings. itis usually concerned with creating a verbal picture of what we experience and feel at one moment, and it will use many rich and vivid adjectives and adverbs.


Argumentation -. This type of writing is probably the most common form of writing at the university Level. Examples Advertising copy, Chitical reviews, Editorials, Job evaluation, Job application Letter, Letter of recommendation Letters to the editor and Résumés etc. Argumentation writing attempts to convince the reader that the point of view or course of action recommended by the writer is valid. To accomplish-this, the writer must develop a limited topic which is well defined and debatable, and has more than one side. tt is important that] the author understand other sides of the topic so that the strongest information to counter the others can be presented.

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